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lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Daniel Radcliffe: "I don't miss Harry Potter"

Surely Hollywood enjoys watching Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who portrayed Harry Potter, in fantasy films with a dose of terror.
This week premieres 'Horns', under the command of Alexander Aja, a film based on the novel by Joe Hill. 'Horns' an original story, that of a young man accused of murdering his girlfriend who does begin to grow horns, and with the arrival of the horns to your forehead all those around you will reveal their darkest desires. Accustomed to fame, scrutiny, to attract attention, Radcliffe admits laugh at the headlines that have accompanied him lately, explaining its beginnings in the art of sex. "But they are unfounded news because I do not talk about my private life."

The film 'Horns' highlighted, through the horror genre, the difficulty of human relationships. You are someone who connects easily with people?
The protagonist is a good person who is forced to do terrible things during the course of the film. The tension is maintained at all times, because although my girlfriend was killed, there is an element of mystery remains. The tension arises when the public realizes who the murderer. My character has to surrender to violence and revenge to unmask, though constantly struggle against this idea.

Why would interpret 'Horns'?

Say I'm obsessed with the way it plays the devil in our culture. 'The Master and Margarita' is one of my favorite books. The devil is a great character, the most interesting of the Bible. From that perspective to win paradise born my attraction to the character.

In 'Horns' is seen with a snake around his neck ...
Yes. I've made a new friend (laughs).

Do you have trouble removing the label from child actor and directors will hire adult characters? It is a recurring situation in Hollywood ...
Maybe with 'Horns' was more difficult. When I met with Alex to talk about 'Horns' I knew he wanted a protagonist who brushed thirty. I had to fight because he had thought of another actor. I convinced him that he was the right actor for the character and changed his mind about the age when I said it was one of my favorite directors.

His girlfriend dies, but makes the existence of the young protagonist. You are a man of many brides ...
Tie me one day with someone suddenly it does not seem fun. It may be so for other people and I respect that, but I like to enjoy the company of my friends, my friends, meet new people and discover it before get involved with someone. I believe that love is ageless and is not born of a chance encounter.

Do you get along well with his ex-girlfriends?
I've always been involved with great people and although not all are my friends, if I keep a friendly attitude towards all of them. The idea of ​​having met many people that you can not talk because you've done wrong with them must be very painful. For me, friendship is very important, so try not to break with people whom I love but is no longer living a relationship.

Is it more difficult to have a relationship when you're famous?
It is not particularly difficult. The important thing in any relationship is that both are authentic and genuine, without thinking that one or both are famous. Cuesta recognize that you can trust, but once you get it you just have to find time to be with that person.

Will there ever be left with one of his fans ...
It would be very unusual for me. I feel I could shoot a terrible movie that story (laughs).

He said he receives many scripts that are a waste. How many actually read a week?
I used to read nearly a dozen, I stopped. It is a process. After rolling Potter, my agent sent me a lot of scripts because I wanted to know what kind of story I was interested. Then, seeing that I had chosen, he started sending very similar stories, but fortunately I came across the play 'Equus', which gave me the opportunity to shoot 'Friends more' then came 'Horns'.

You miss the magician?
No, not really. I was ten when I started shooting the first movie, a wonderful time in my life that allowed me to train as an actor. Now I'm in another time, very exciting, different, I have progressed in my career and I want to do other things. I'll always feel incredibly proud of the franchise and would not be sitting here talking about 'Horns' had it not been for Harry Potter. I have no doubt on that point, but I do not miss roll Potter, although my fellow actors, the crew. However, I am happy doing other films.

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